This page will contain the various talks or sessions I have with my Nephew as we embark on teaching him to trade.

I expect there will be 5-12 sessions and we thought we’d record those because will be various points of insight or maybe even help you think about the market differently.

Introduction – Teaching Nephew Elite to Trade

In this video is an intro to the Nephew Elite – Teaching my Nephew to Trade. IN this video I share with him my PnL from today. Then we move on with a little bit on how this series is going to go. What things I will cover in the series and how it’s going to work.

The Why & Future

This talk isn’t so much trading focused as more of us sharing the start of this journey. We also get a little personal and share some stories or memories we have together. I wanted to do a video so you could get to know us a little bit more.

Intro to Crypto & Kucoin